If you’ve bought a web hosting plan and you have certain enquiries with regards to a given function/feature, or in case you’ve confronted some obstacle and you require support, you should be able to contact the respective technical support team. All hosting providers deploy a ticketing system irrespective of whether they provide other means of contacting them apart from it or not, due to the fact that the most efficient way to tackle a problem most often is to submit a ticket. This method of communication renders the replies exchanged by both sides easy to track and allows the customer care staff representatives to escalate the situation in the event that, for instance, a server administrator must intervene. Most often, the ticketing system is part of the billing account and is not directly linked to the hosting space, so you’ll have to use at least 2 separate accounts to contact the technical support team and to actually manage the hosting space. Constantly switching between the accounts may often be a bore, not to mention the fact that it requires quite a bit of time for the majority of web hosting companies to answer the tickets themselves.

Integrated Ticketing System in Cloud Hosting

The ticketing system that we use for our cloud plans is not separate from the web hosting account. It’s an indivisible part of our all-inclusive Hepsia Control Panel and you will be able to access it at any given moment with just a couple of clicks of the mouse, without needing to log out of your hosting account. The ticketing system includes a quick-search field, so you can track down the status of virtually any support ticket that you have already sent, if needed. Moreover, you can read knowledge base articles that are relevant to different problem categories, which you can select, so you can find out how to deal with a given issue even before you send a ticket. The response time is maximum sixty minutes, which suggests that you can get quick assistance at any moment and if our tech support team recommends that you should do something in your account, you can do it instantaneously without logging out of the Hepsia Control Panel.